Friday, March 2, 2012

Blessed - Day 2 - My Daughter

I'm still getting used to the term "my daughter" and still humbled by this precious gift.

This time in our life will not be forgotten. The way we have seen God work in providing for our family is way beyond what we can explain. From our health share network coming through to generous friends to an abundance of girl clothing (we literally have bought 2 items of clothing for her with our own money.) to every little encouragement and timely visit, we praise God for it all!

With only a couple months left of J's unemployment we still have faith that things will be ok even if it doesn't look like it. We know those who love us would not let us go cold or hungry.

Anyway, all that to say that we will not forget when our daughter was born, a time of trial, but also of triumph, and not by our own strength. Thank you, Father, for carrying us like you said you would.

Meeting brother for the first time.

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